Mark the correct information about Faisal Alharbi. His friends call him (adventure boy). He doesn't like doing anything. He likes setting challenges to himself. He is a very straight forward person. He is from Riyadh
نحييكم أعزائي الزوار ونسعد بكم متابعي منصة موقع رُوَّادُ اَلْـعَـلَـمِ ، ومن خلال سعينا لتوفير الحلول والاجابات النموذجية لجميع أسئلة المنهج الدراسي وحل الواجبات والمراجعات العامه وجميع ما يسعى الطالب للإستفسار عنه ، عبر منصة موقع رُوَّادُ اَلْـعَـلَـمِ نقدم لكم حل السؤال الآتي :
Mark the correct information about Faisal Alharbi. His friends call him (adventure boy). He doesn't like doing anything. He likes setting challenges to himself. He is a very straight forward person. He is from Riyadh.
الجـــــواب الصــحيح هـــــو :
His friends call him (adventure boy).
He likes setting challenges to himself.
He is a very straight forward person